

power function c++ code using pointers

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Write a program in c++ programming that calculates the power of a number using pointers

User will input two numbers and program will calculate power. First number will be base and second number will be the power.

This code explains the following C++ Concepts

  • Functions with the same arguments but different return data types
  • How to use pointers
  • Using pointers value to perform an arithmetic operation

program prototypes
power function pointers example c++
functions prototypes
Program has been tested on code blocks c++ complier.
see also: pointers multiplication example, pointers addition example code

program source code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int Power(int *, int *);
float Power1(int *, int *);
double Power2(int *, int *);

int main()

    int a,b;

 cout<<"Enter 1st Value:";

 cout<<"Enter 2nd Value:";

 cout<<endl <<endl;

 cout<<"...............Power.........." <<endl <<endl;

 cout<<"The Power of these numbers is:"<<Power(&a,&b)<<endl;
 cout<<"The Power of these numbers is:"<<Power1(&a,&b)<<endl;
 cout<<"The Power of these numbers is:"<<Power2(&a,&b)<<endl;

 cout<<endl <<endl;

 return 0;


int Power(int *x, int *y)

 int P=1;
 for(int i=0;i<*y;i++)
  P=(P * *x);
 return P;

float Power1(int *x, int *y)

 float P=1;
 for(int i=0;i<*y;i++)
  P=(P * *x);
 return P;

double Power2(int *x, int *y)

 double P=1;
 for(int i=0;i<*y;i++)
   P=(P * *x);
 return P;

program input-output
power function code example pointers c++

This program will help to clear the concept of functions with different return types. 

It shows the output of 3 functions having the same arguments but different return types.

Besides this, it shows how to use the value with pointers.
find more examples here: c++ examples code

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